Semi automated mouse measuring motorized vickers micro hardness tester with operational software in Windows
SMHT-2010 model is semi automatic, several lines of points can be defined, the motorized stage automatically moves to every point and makes the indentations, after all the indentations are made the operator focus and measures the indentations using the computer mouse, then a report is presented at the end with all the graphics and the data,
The data can be exported to text files, comma separated values and to Microsoft Excel
- Navas Instruments vickers hardness testers allow you to avoid the need to embed the samples in a plastic mounting, thus reducing labor and operational costs.
- Warranty: 2 Years
- Load: From 10 grams to 10 Kilograms in multiple weight combinations
- Construction: Cast iron stable construction for heavy duty durable operation
- Opening: Large opening of 135 mm allows the placement of large samples for testing
- No need of mounting: The use of large sample holders reduces sample cutting and mounting thus eliminating unnecessary costs and improving laboratory productivity
- Precision motorized stages: Stages of 25 x 25 mm or 100 x 100 mm travel ranges, all of which support large sample weights
- Illumination: Simple "straight through" illumination and optical system eliminating alignment problems and high power lighting
- L.E.D Light: Very reliable, very low heat emission, No need of maintenance, long working life
- Optics: Long working distance objective with three position zoom and straight optics, providing superior image quality with magnifications of 100X, 200X and 400X
- Lineal turret: The lens-to-indenter and indenter-to-lens movement is automatic for measurement accuracy
- Easy to use: Easy to use Windows based operational software
- Data export: Powerful Open Data Base Connectivity, data export to text files, comma separated values, to Microsoft Excel and to LIMS (Laboratory Information Management Systems)
Determination of: Vickers hardness in metal parts in the automobile industry, avionics, heat treating and other applications
Vickers hardness measurement in constant velocity ( CV joints ) , crank shafts, gear boxes, traverse applications, etc...
Advantages and benefits:
- Robust design: We manufacture our own motorized stages, hardness testers, electronics and software
Unlike many other brands of hardness testers that are assembled from another company's components
We make hardness testers with simple and robust construction
- Save time and money: Navas Instruments hardness testers will save you money and time
The problem:
It is well known to the metallurgical lab the high cost in labor, time and consumables involved in preparing samples for hardness testing primarily when the parts have large heated areas basically by induction heat treating process
This high cost and time consuming process drives laboratories to decrease testing and therefore is an increased risk of part failure
Cost is related to the present method (encapsulating the samples in plastic mounting) used to prepare the samples for hardness testing
When mounting in plastic the samples have to be reduced to the available plastic molds therefore huge cutting work may be necessary for large parts, cost is very high in cutting disks with all the labor involved in mounting the samples in plastic, polishing several samples for one single job and doing Vickers testing in several samples for one single part tested with the test data in several files
An additional difficulty with present method of encapsulation in plastic and testing is that the samples are normally placed in a fixed sample holder that is attached to the motorized stage
Finding the area of interest to test by moving the motorized stage is time consuming and annoying, The larger the area, the more time wasted
Locating the areas of interest to be tested is also time consuming, Testing time is lost searching for the location to test
Our solution:
In our hardness testers the holder is not attached to the stage and the operator can move it at will, on the motorized stage and with one single point of reference all the testing can be made
The software works similar to a universal measuring machine, all the distances are previously stored for all the parts, the stage will move to the areas of interest automatically
- Integration with Microsoft Office: Our hardness testers provide the vickers values and other data: graphs with distances, X and Y coordinates, dimensions of the indentations, etc ...
The data can be printed and exported to text files, comma separated values and XLS files to be imported in Microsoft Excel or several LIMS (Laboratory Information Management Systems)
Data is stored in a powerful Open Data Base Connectivity Database (ODBC) in Microsoft Access format
Software features:
- Our software is Windows based and easy to use
- The operator creates a file with the coordinates to make the indentations, the operator then saves the file to disk and makes a testing
- The motorized stage moves to the defined points and makes the indentations, then the operator focus and measures the indentations using the mouse
- The operator can recover the stored file on disk with all the coordinates and data, the operator can create any number of files with any number of indentations and coordinates
- After the testing the software shows a report with all the graphics and data, the generated report can also be printed, saved to a disk file and exported to text files, comma separated values and XLS files for use in Microsoft Excel or other spread sheets
Sample holders for use on vickers hardness testers motorized stages
Other Navas Instruments tester models:
AMHT-2010, Fully-automatic Hardness Tester
SHT-2010, Semi-automatic Hardness Tester
HT-2010-IA, Fully-automatic non-motorized Hardness Tester With Auto Focusing And Auto Measuring By Image Analysis